Thursday, March 28, 2013

Teaching Technology Project

My teaching technology project has unfortunately not been at the top of my to do list.  I will be teaching the app Evernote, which is an app that can be used to store notes and information across multiple devices.  My objective for this project is: participants will be able to create 3 notebooks, input two notes, a pdf, and a photo.  Participants will also share at least one of these items with another person, and access their Evernote account on two separate devices.

So far I'm surprised that Evernote has a ton of other apps that work with it.  Should I demonstrate those too, or would that be too much?

Professional Development Plan

I am not really sure what I want to do when I grow up, but one career I am thinking about is being a technology coordinator in a school or district.  If I were to do that, most likely I would be in charge of creating professional development for teachers on how to use technology in their specific classes.  So my overall goal under the ISTE Standard 5: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership would be to create a PLC in the school that will compile and distribute an iTunes U course with resources for technology integration and other sources like global and local professional learning communities.

To do this, my short term goals are to:

Before school: Create iTunes U Course
By October: Gather teachers from each subject area to participate in this PLC, and an outline for what the course will contain
By November: Develop a rubric/guide to determine the reliability of a source
By December: Have at least one source from each subject area posted to the iTunes U course
By January: Have at least a total of 3 sources for each subject area on the iTunes U course
By February: Distribute the always improving iTunes U course to the school with an explanation of how to access, use, and provide input

Long term goal:
Create an PLC in the school to compile and distribute an iTunes U course with resources to global and local professional learning communities by the end of the school year

To determine if this PLC is successful, I would assess by: 

If course is coming along as planned, then part of the goal is met.  
The PLC will conduct voluntary walkthroughs with teachers who care to participate in the iTunes U course to see the tools/strategies/resources that were provided by the course in action.  
Surveys will be conducted on what teachers in the entire school want/need in the iTunes U course, and if these needs are being met.