Thursday, March 28, 2013

Professional Development Plan

I am not really sure what I want to do when I grow up, but one career I am thinking about is being a technology coordinator in a school or district.  If I were to do that, most likely I would be in charge of creating professional development for teachers on how to use technology in their specific classes.  So my overall goal under the ISTE Standard 5: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership would be to create a PLC in the school that will compile and distribute an iTunes U course with resources for technology integration and other sources like global and local professional learning communities.

To do this, my short term goals are to:

Before school: Create iTunes U Course
By October: Gather teachers from each subject area to participate in this PLC, and an outline for what the course will contain
By November: Develop a rubric/guide to determine the reliability of a source
By December: Have at least one source from each subject area posted to the iTunes U course
By January: Have at least a total of 3 sources for each subject area on the iTunes U course
By February: Distribute the always improving iTunes U course to the school with an explanation of how to access, use, and provide input

Long term goal:
Create an PLC in the school to compile and distribute an iTunes U course with resources to global and local professional learning communities by the end of the school year

To determine if this PLC is successful, I would assess by: 

If course is coming along as planned, then part of the goal is met.  
The PLC will conduct voluntary walkthroughs with teachers who care to participate in the iTunes U course to see the tools/strategies/resources that were provided by the course in action.  
Surveys will be conducted on what teachers in the entire school want/need in the iTunes U course, and if these needs are being met. 


  1. I like your goal for this one. I am kind of thinking to be a technology coordinator when I get older. I think it will be a fun career to do because you can explore different technology everyday and find some good ones to introduce to teachers who need technology to help them to teach.

  2. I think this is a great idea for a professional development use of iTunesU. I like the idea of forming a committee or PLC with representatives with different subjects. I am also wanting to be a district technology coordinator and I think using technology like this with teachers will help them build up confidence and ownership with it. If the teachers are involved in the creation of the course, they would be more apt to use it and make it their own. Really Cool.
